Open Educational Resources

Have you thought about how great it would be to convert your class from commercial textbooks to “OERs” or Open Educational Resources?

Take a look at this 3-1/2 minute video to see what students think of text books and the cost associated with them.

“Educators using OERs also report increased levels of student engagement and retention. Nearly 70% of educators in an OER Research Survey reported an increase in learner engagement, interest, and satisfaction. Tidewater Community College in Virginia saw higher retention rates and lower student withdrawals after utilizing OERs.”  (

But how do you find the right OERs for your class and situation?  The answer is as close as your library!

Here is a link resource to the “Alt Textbook” project for UAS.  The Egan Library has many resources and the knowledge to help you with OERs.

Contact the Egan Library for more information and tips on converting your class.