Category: Fried Friday

Fried Friday – Enhancing Short-Term Memory

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Long-term memory may get all the glory, but knowledge retention and information recall wouldn’t be possible without the aid of its more temporary counterpart. To find out what eLearning professionals should know about short-term memory read the eLearning Industry article Enhancing Short-Term Memory: 5 Strategies for eLearning Professionals. The article covers the basics of short-term …

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Fried Friday – Happy Birthday YouTube!

YouTube is celebrating 10 years! Ten years of creativity, education, self-expression, and fun! (Has it really only been 10 years?!) From the silly to the profound, from the personal to the political, we’re celebrating a decade of your creativity and self-expression. And, we’re doing it from A to Z. With over 75 references and 18 …

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Fried Friday – Communication/Presentation FAIL

Yikes! Haven’t we all made a few of these mistakes? Or if we can’t admit to that, we’ve all sat through presentations like this! It is precisely because we want to avoid this type of situation that a group of Instructional Designers (Baldwin/Duclos/Coulston/Purvis/Olson/Walker/Canavan/Barbour/Henrikson) from each MAU decided to create a peer review rubric for presenters. Don’t groan. …

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Fried Friday: Standardized Tests

John Oliver investigates what’s wrong with standardized testing (warning: contains strong language). Here’s a link from Karl Kapp’s blog:

Fried Friday: Happy Graduation Everyone!


While we’re all thinking about graduation today, we thought you might enjoy a few funny graduation speeches (I enjoyed Stephen Colbert and Neil DeGrasse Tyson in particular!). 10 Hilarious Graduation Speeches That Won’t Put You to Sleep. And for those of you in a more serious mood, NPR has picked out 300 addresses going back …

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Fried Friday: MakeUseOf Best Websites is a  blog that is very popular for learning to “make use of” technology and discover cool tools and sites on the internet.  This post titled, The Best Websites On The Internet, lists the websites their experts consider to be the best (most useful) in fourteen categories including: Learning, Social, Searching, Books, Productivity, and more. …

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Fried Friday: Fun With Memes

  I attended a session at the DevLearn2014 conference this last fall titled, “The Future of E-Learning in Memes.” Five presenters each did a PechaKucha style presentation using memes.  My brain was a little mentally overloaded at the time and this was just what I needed to end the day with a smile. If you are not familiar with PechaKucha …

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Fried Friday: Google Feud

Just what we need! Another time distracting web site! Google Feud is a web game based on the Google API. Google selects the questions, then the results are pulled directly from Google’s autocomplete. You can choose from four categories: Culture, People, Names and Questions. **Beware, certain results may be offensive and/or incomprehensible!

Fried Friday: April Fools!

Were you bamboozled by any of the online April Fools pranks this year?  I always look forward to the clever pranks Google, Amazon, and other companies come up with each year.  Their clever stories and advertisements really caught my attention and had me questioning everything I read on Wednesday. Did you do anything to trick your …

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Fried Friday: Water Out of Thin Air?

Creative Problem Solving TED

At timesI have a tendency to depress myself thinking about the state of the world. A winter without snow doesn’t help. Heap on global warming, rising healthcare prices, state revenues dipping — okay you get the picture. But I came across a TED talk by Navi Radjou who shares some amazing innovations. These are inspirations that he claims have …

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