Tag: Fried Fridays

Fried Friday: A Weekend Photo Challenge!!

We hope that everyone is going to have a fantastic holiday weekend and we’re throwing out a challenge– share your weekend with us using either the photo collage app that we recommend below (and have examples here for you), the cool video app that we’ve demo’d below, OR an equivalent product of your choice. Remember, …

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Fried Friday: Identifying Serious Sleep Disorders

Groat Center for Sleep Disorders

You and/or your students may be plagued by serious sleep disorders and not realize the cause. The Groat Center for Sleep Disorders provides some excellent examples for you. Enjoy your Friday and stay tuned for more tips and humor from your friends at Title III! Click image below to begin the video.

Fried Friday: What President Are YOU?

Start the Selection

It’s that day of the week again, Friday. Do you need a little something extra this morning to bring on that smile? Well here’s something that just might do it. Make a few selections and see what President you most resemble. It’s NOT just based on your dog selection either. Give it a try and …

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Are You Mentally Fried by Friday? Try Legos!!


Certainly when Friday comes you are more aware than ever of the things on your to-do list that got finished, and those that are going to hang over you until next week. Perhaps time management is an issue that could help you deal with your work day in a more effective way. Well today is …

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Are You Mentally Fried by Friday?

It’s Friday, and we want to help alleviate your mental weariness! It is time for a little light hearted humor and a very important safety tip from one of our own! You will want to watch carefully and take notes. And, be sure to purchase or order your own pair before they are out of …

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Are You Mentally “Fried” by Friday?

click for youtube video

It’s Friday, and we want to help alleviate your mental weariness! We’re starting something new and calling it our “Fried Friday” sessions where we’ll bring you tutorials, Q&A sessions, or just a little light hearted humor. You’ll be hearing more about these sessions in the following weeks so stay tuned! Meanwhile, to kick off our …

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