Social Distancing

Yes, social distancing is the new way of life, and is helping to slow the spread of COVID-19.  With this virus being able to spread prior to an individual showing symptoms, it’s an important practice, especially for those in greater risk categories.

Social Distancing poster

Here are tips for social distancing from the CDC:

  • Follow guidance from authorities where you live.
  • If you need to shop for food or medicine at the grocery store or pharmacy, stay at least 6 feet away from others.
    • Use mail-order for medications, if possible.
    • Consider a grocery delivery service.
    • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others, including when you have to go out in public, for example to the grocery store.
      • Stay at least 6 feet between yourself and others, even when you wear a face covering.
  • Avoid large and small gatherings in private places and public spaces, such a friend’s house, parks, restaurants, shops, or any other place. This advice applies to people of any age, including teens and younger adults. Children should not have in-person playdates while school is out. To help maintain social connections while social distancing, learn tips to keep children healthy while school’s out.
  • Work from home when possible.
  • If possible, avoid using any kind of public transportation, ridesharing, or taxis.
  • If you are a student or parent, talk to your school about options for digital/distance learning.

Have Fun

Women and dog on a couch

Here are some tips to fight boredom while waiting this virus out!!

  • Connect with friends – on the phone or online.  You have a Zoom Account – go ahead and use it. Remember that relationships are essential for mental health. They’re also good for the immune system: one study shows connectedness has a bigger impact on mortality than quitting smoking.!!!
  • ​Read. Books. Magazines. Digitally or in print. This is a great time to revisit the classics, catch up on new releases or indulge in your favorite genre fiction. Check with your library, they may still be lending books!!
  • Practice mindfulness. The science is persuasive: Meditation reduces inflammation and enhances our immune functions; it also helps us focus our attention and feel less controlled by challenging thoughts or feelings. Start small – just a few minutes per day – and consider apps that help guide meditation initially.
  • ​Go shopping – virtually. This is a great time to support local businesses, especially if they sell gift cards.
  • ​Get organized. No more excuses: Just do it…sorry, this was supposed to be fun….You will feel better when it’s done.
  • ​Practice an old skill. Maybe you haven’t played an instrument in years. Pick it up and see what you remember.
  • ​Learn a new skill. Calligraphy? Sketching? Knitting? Poetry? Origami? This is a great time to try something new.
  • ​Cook or bake. Whip up something new or make an old favorite. Involve the kids.
  • ​Garden. Spring is here – I saw robins the other day, and it’s starting to warm up!
  • ​Walk. The trails are calling you. It’s a great way to get some exercise! 
  • ​Fill out your Census form. Aside from self-isolating, this could be the most important thing you can do to help your state and community. If you haven’t yet, it’s not too late. Just go to the online portal to complete the form — it’s 10 questions, and answering could take as little as 10 minutes. 
  • ​Complete your tax return. Sorry, I know, it’s supposed to be fun…you have until July 15 this year, but why wait until the last minute?
  • ​Spring cleaning. Revive the tradition of a really deep cleaning to usher in spring.

And here is my ulterior motive for writing this post…. what do you do if you need to social distance, but you need someone to pass the pepper???? Watch and find out!!! 🙂

Have a great weekend and thanks for reading the Faculty Learning Corner!!!