Accreditation Next Week

Remember that Accreditation is next week, April 24, 25, and 26!!!

Standards for Accreditation

The five Standards for Accreditation are best understood within the context of the seven‐year accreditation cycle. The standards are interconnected and build upon each other in a cycle of continuous improvement.

Design and Function

The five Standards for Accreditation are statements that articulate the quality and effectiveness expected of accredited institutions, and collectively they provide a framework for continuous improvement within institutions. The five standards also serve as indicators by which institutions are evaluated by peers. The standards are designed to guide institutions in a process of self‐reflection that blends analysis and synthesis in a holistic examination of:

  • The institution’s mission and core themes;
  • The translation of the mission’s core themes into assessable objectives supported by programs and services;
  • The appraisal of the institution’s potential to fulfill the mission;
  • The planning and implementation involved in achieving and assessing the desired outcomes of programs and services; and
  • An evaluation of the results of the institution’s efforts to fulfill its mission, assess its ability to monitor its environment, and adapt and sustain itself as a viable institution.

See our Mission Statement Below:

UAS Mission - Student learning enhanced by faculty scholarship, undergraduate research and creative activities, community engagement, and the cultures and environment of Southeast Alaska.

Thanks for reading the FLC!! Have a great weekend and good luck next week!