Anyone Listening? Hello? Can You Hear Me? Data Tracking

click for data trackingJanene McMahan has recently published for UAF’s iTeach U a great tip sheet on ways faculty can look at their course or YouTube posts and see if students are actually clicking on the materials they are providing. Data Tracking How do you know they are listening?

As we are reaching the semester’s end, this is a great time to use these reports to reflect on the areas of your course where student interest peaked and those areas where clicks may have diminished. Using the analytics provided by Blackboard and YouTube you can better determine those areas in your course which may need modifying. Thanks Janene for your timely post.

If you are using WordPress for housing your content, you can also find some great analytics built into your dashboard, providing you with information such as pages clicked, number of hits, number of subscribers etc.

Speaking of clicks– we’re watching how many times you’ve clicked into the 10 Day Faculty Challenge Game. We hope you are enjoying all the activity and the great ideas being presented by all of our players. We enjoyed hearing from Charla today saying that she calls her time at our game site “productive procrastination” and a creative outlet to grading and finals. Thanks for sharing that Charla. And we invite all of you to take some “productive procrastination” time and check out the game.