Are You Mentally Fried by Friday? Try Legos!!

Fried Friday ladyCertainly when Friday comes you are more aware than ever of the things on your to-do list that got finished, and those that are going to hang over you until next week. Perhaps time management is an issue that could help you deal with your work day in a more effective way.

Well today is your lucky day- we have a possible solution for you: Legos! It’s visual, it’s tactile, and it’s fun. What more can you ask for on a “fried Friday?”
Check out the post and video by Justin Pot — How to Use Legos to Manage Your Time Better. It’s worth a try! I think I have some legos, I may just have to give this a chance.

Stay tuned for more interesting and fun posts from your Title III team and friends!


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1 comment

    • Mary Purvis on February 28, 2014 at 12:58 pm

    I’m not sure what goal I can tap into to purchase legos for faculty and TItle III staff. The business office would have a field day with that purchase requisition! Darn, I’ll have to find some at the White E!

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